Police Harrasment Law in Pakistan

Police Harrasment In Pakistan


Police harassment in Pakistan is also a crime. No one can take the law in his hands. Even the police cannot take the law into their own hands. The police are also required to abide by the law. They cannot be above the law. The law says that the police officials should also remain within the limits provided by the law. The question is, what is police harassment in Pakistan? Anything illegal done by the police will be considered harassment. The law for harassment in Pakistan is the same for civilians and the police also. The law does not give any exception to the police. The law also provides the punishment for harassment in Pakistan. If you are facing harassment issues, you may contact our expert lawyers in Lahore.


If you are wondering what police harassment is, let us guide you. Any illegal activity by the police will be considered harassment. The below acts can be considered as harassment by the police.

  • ILLEGAL ARREST: The police cannot illegally arrest someone. If they arrest someone in this way, they will be held guilty.
  • ILLAGEL DETENTION: If the police illegally detain someone, they will be guilty of taking the law in their own hands.
  • BRIBERY: If they take a bribe from someone, it will be considered doing an illegal act. They can be punished for this act. If you are facing such issues, you may contact our law firm in Lahore.
  • TORTURE: If the police torture anyone, they will be guilty of doing an illegal act. They cannot torture anyone. Even if the police have obtained a physical remand of someone, they still cannot torture anyone.
  • EXTORTION: If the police extort something from anyone, they have the right to complain about this act. The police officials can be punished for this act.
  • ANY THING WHICH THE LAW DOES NOT PERMIT: Every department has its jurisdictions and limitations. If any department does any act beyond their jurisdiction or limitations, they will be held guilty of police harassment in Pakistan.

Police Harassment Law in Pakistan:

The harassment law in Pakistan for the police officials is clear. The law says that any police officer who is found guilty of such an act can be complained, and they can be punished. You can hire our expert advocate in Lahore to take action against such personal. If you have a complaint of harassment against the police officials, you can take the below steps.

  • Complain to the concerned SP.
  • Complaint such act to DPO or CCPO
  • Complain to the IG office.
  • File a case in court through an expert attorney in Pakistan.


The law is strict in the punishment of police harassment in Pakistan. When you complain such an act to the higher officials, they conduct an inquiry and collect evidence from you. If such a police official is found guilty, they can give the below punishments.

  • They can suspend the police official.
  • They can terminate the police official.
  • They can demote the police official.
  • They can hold his promotion.
  • They can take forced resignation.
  • They can chalk FIR against the police.
  • The police trial can be held in the courts, and he can also be convicted by the court.
For More Information Contact: Adv M Ali Naeem (PH: +92 346 4465967)

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